Sunday, September 30, 2012

Late game winner!  5-2 on the notes for the week play tomorrow...
If you read the notes I would say thumbs up on 4...thumbs down on 2... one pending a very good start...   I reviewed the results in the week end update and I have a good idea how to format all the information this week...

Feedback in email is appreciated...any changes...stats or suggestions drop me a note back.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Guys I just sent trend sheets for all the NFL games Sunday and Monday...   This to go along with the stat sheets and other work...enjoy!  GL Sunday!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Stat sheet for week #4 sent

Everyone should have received the stat sheet in email for week #4.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

My estimate on Cleveland was one point off... and my estimate on Baltimore eight...crazy game...  I expected a few more points but it turned out to be a hard fought game...  the Flacco Int. in the end zone in the first half ended up making a difference for those playing the spread or total which was at 44 points and -12....finishing at 39 points and  a seven point victory(23-16). 

I am going to mention a key fact in this game in email tomorrow.  I am preparing a temporary format so I can get this week end done...   I will have the notes out tomorrow so everyone can have plenty of time to review.

I am going to mention something to watch for...not only in football but all check your email in the morning...

Ok that was time consuming!  What I did was send out a fall newsletter for tonights game.   It breaks down several areas and I hope it helps everyone.   I also sent this to former members and members that are not up to date.   Hopefully some decide for a small donation a month it is worth their time.

I sent it as a word doc and in pdf form.  There are a few blank pages at the end, but I am working on proper formatting and feedback sent by email is play for me...

Also I want to note that gmail/google has some glitches in their new mailing system!  i have been able to work around it...but at times I am unable to get members names as a group into the mail area.  So please check blog also.

Now i need to start working on this week end...  Again any former members or members who have not updated to receive this week ends info. and the fall systems which hopefully the NHL resolves their strike issues there is a lot to offer this fall/winter...which may include basketball...

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Fall Systems

Members who have decided to stay on for fall will start receiving notes for the Thursday night game (TNF) tonight...  I will send statistical notes on the week end games from Thursday to Saturday to updated members...  Any members who have not updated will start receiving the fall info as soon as you update.

If you feel you should be receiving the fall info and systems and have updated but do not start receiving information later tonight please contact me tomorrow as this is my busy time of the month.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

4-0 and what a way to finish!

Now we have a very clear path as the fall sos really kicked into gear the last few weeks!  How about the run to end the season?

Last night 4-0
Saturday 2-0
Friday 1-1
Thursday 2-0
Sounds like 9-1 straight up last 10 to end the year for baseball! 

team # 30a won series over
team#4a won series over
team #19a won series over
team # 24a won series over

And the fall SOS finishes up for the year at a base of ratio wise +1.02 to add to the plus over 16 units at base for the summer sos.  Putting the base total for baseball at its lowest point at +18 units!!!!  Not to shabby! 

  I also hope everyone enjoyed the notes I sent on the NFL yesterday...I would say very accurate of the way the game went....

I now turn to the fall version of the blog....thanks to those that continue to donate to the blog to keep it going...another great night in the books...and I know everyone will enjoy what I have in store this fall/winter...

I will post and send a complete summary for summer and fall sos at the lowest base also...great year of baseball...

Review in email as well as the review of the emailed MNF notes great night!!!

Now get ready for some football!  The main part of the football season will be in the email with the blog being used for notes...  Once basketball and hockey begin the blog will become the main source again.  But the blog will be used almost daily as we go forward also... 

Monday, September 24, 2012

Notes for the NFL game and MLB series starting tonight have been sent...GL everyone as I start my a very detailed NFL review later this week...I sent a brief version over the week end and for tonights game.

One of the four series listed team # 30 would be my #1 suggestion with reasons listed in email...and my main suggestion....

followed by the other 3:
team #19
team # 24
they are all posted picks and count in the record but watch for SSS...tomorrow if the system wins allow...they are rated high to low...

but I would pick your poison on these...and i gave my thought in the email...maybe pick one from the group or two...or if you feel you can handle all of them make sure you read the email odds first...

My suggestion the one I #30...

GL everyone tonight...
A note was sent regarding the fall systems.  At this point we wind down a very successful year overall for baseball.  See email for a few early week series notes.

I started reviewing some NFL games over the week end in email...that will continue tonight.  I will post what I find in email.  I also will send the notes for a few baseball series.    

Saturday, September 22, 2012

2-0 on the day!

Great week for the system as we close it out 2-0, 5-1 last six and finish over plus one unit even at the lowest base.  Everyone enjoy the rest of their week end...  No plays on some football!

Team #30 (.13) Won series over
Team #4 (.08) Won series over
Team #30 (.13)
Team #4 (.08)

Added a jump in see this mornings email and check start times as both have time changes one starting in just under 2 hours and one starting in about 4-5 hours,   Morning email sent with exact strategy system ratio wise.
Update...we get a split...and at least the loser was in the -120 area it was worth a shot...but lets refocus the week end and see if we can preserve the profit for the week...ratio wise we are a +.14...see email...lets go SSS on team #8 and check the email reason listed ..... the remaining series is...(team #30).

Team #30 (.13)rainout
Team # 6 (.13) won series over
Team # 8 (.11) we go SSS

So we have one series with team #30 left...please see Saturday's email.  Also a possible jump in series...will send in morning...

Friday, September 21, 2012

Week end Fall SOS Sept 21

Team #30 (.13)
Team # 6 (.13)
Team # 8 (.11)

Three new series starting for the system lets watch for a jump in tomorrow...

See email strategy notes being sent in 15 minutes...

Picks up in an hour

See email sent...picks will as always be here first...followed by notes about 20 minutes after that in email.

I will be discussing the status of the thread for fall with the NHL lockout now upon us later tonight...

Thursday, September 20, 2012


team #10 Won series over
team #19 Won series over

2-0, good week going, there are no new series starting on Thursday so thanks to the wins we have a day off.  There will be 15 new series starting tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

2 games tonight

Ok lets continue the one series and we have a jump in..add on series also...the jump in series starts at the regular time tonight see email for system strategy if following exactly...

Appx start time on team #19 is 605pm ET...everything explained in email....

team #10
team #19

team #10 is the continuation of a 4 game #19 is the start of a 4 game set where we may jump around team wise if needed.

Both plays are based on the ratio we are up for the read the email...

Wednesday Update

Team #10b moves to C (4 game series)
Team # 4a won

Wemove to Wednesday see email notes up shortly...pick/s will be posted shortly for today...
The system picks split...but the one within our odds range lost.  Wait till later today for an email update and strategy.  System still up for week thanks to Monday...lets see if we can keep it going...

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

3 rainouts for tonight now!

East coast rain...glad I waited today as we are not involved in any....

One play listed below...

New email notes in 15 minutes

Team #10b
Team # 4a(prohibitive odds no ratio)play if you want
See email notes for ratio strategy...being sent in 10 minutes...there were two series starts rained out...both were supposed to start tonight...will rerun them tomorrow.

Two series listed but system strategy wise we are just playing one...the other one has odds that do not allow me to set a ratio.......and is listed because the system likes it...but the odds are to high to post a ratio but feel free to play it. 

So just the continuation at a reduced ratio see email to protect weeks profit.  We may have a jump in series tomorrow or be involved in one or both of the rain out series...

Picks up for tonight in one hour

Working on filters...ratios now...

Our biggest play of the year hits!

We get the one unit winner at base and close out the day nicely on the plus side 2-1.

With our highest ratio play and our other winner we start the week nicely...please read email notes as there was a disturbing incident in the one loss if you did not see it read mates confronted each other in the dug out...

Picks up for today 2-4 hours before earliest starts...all night games...we do have some new series starting today and a possible continuation if it fits in...

4 winning days in a row...lets see if we can keep it going...

Monday, September 17, 2012


team #10 (.07)
team #23 (.10)
team #6 (.11)

Read notes we have a high ratio series mixed in...make sure you adjust to your comfort level if you need to as it could take a few games for 1 or 2...

Fall SOS con't

We have 5 new series today picks up in one hour, two hours before the early starts...

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Nice week end bounce! Week end Update

See email as there is a complere break down as the system has a nice bounce...

Team #17 (.15)won series over
Team #29 (.12)SSS/we stop early to protect week end recovery...

Team #30 (.10)won series over
Team #8 (.10)won series over
Team #19 (.09)won series over
Team #14 (.09)won series over
Team #3 (.12) Jump in on this one! won series over

OK we have a good week end but read and follow strategy...we pass on Sunday and wait for the new close on Saturday to a massive day..but still a nice bounce...lets take it and move on... 

Friday, September 14, 2012

Next Update on Sunday

Good luck everyone this week end...everything strategy wise was send in the email for this week end...  I will do the next update on Sunday...

PIcks for week end series

Loaded up for the week end guys...have some fun...pick your the notes will be in email within 5 minutes...everyone have a good week end ...choose wisely!

Team #17 (.15)
Team #29 (.12)
Team #30 (.10)
Team #8 (.10)
Team #19 (.09)
Team #14 (.09)
Team #3 (.12) Jump in on this one!
System picks should be up in less than two hours...just started working on not have time to run the early afternoon game starts in 10 minutes...

We have 12 new series starting tonight...back in just over an hour with the system picks...

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Did I call the Astros game or what?

Told you guys!   See that email was worth the read...welcome to September baseball!  Where the easiest games are the worst to play...see...

I made a nice call on the Astros... back in morning...

Thursday 1-0

Team # 14 (.03) Won series over...

No additional plays tonight see e-mail...

Waiting for our early game to end to send notes for tonight... both new series will not start for at least 2-4 hours from that time...We better finish the early one off this time..

added series

I will not be able to screen till 2 hours before the early also sent...will send an email at that of the new series appears obvious...but I want to properly screen...
Team # 14 (.03)

Week #4 Continuations for Thursday
Team # 14 (.03)last game of series/early start see email
Team # 4 (.06)series loss on C at .07 for game
Team # 19(.13)won series over

Team #23 next game of 4 game set Friday...(if you are playing jump in series)

See strategy and notes there will be add on series for tonight...but the only early game is the last game of the series for team #14.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Week #4 Continuations for Wednesday
Team # 14 (.03)
Team # 4 (.06)
Team # 19(.13)

Team #23 jump in series
We are at a set ratio of to win .07 per game...once the system ends this group we will make the adjustments mentioned in email...should be a very interesting next two weeks...

Take a look at the bottom of the 9th in the Angels game...I emailed the play by play...

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Jump in series add on

This could go as long as jump in if you decide to...

This was sent in email already...

Team #23a

So in total we have>
Week #4 Con't
Team # 14b (.03)
Team # 6b (.11)
Team # 4b (.06)
Team # 19a.13)
Team # 8a(.15)

Addon /jump in>
Team #23a

Pick your poison...

Strategy sent...until system stops the choppy sideways movement the last 5 days we remain at a very safe ratio...this week end we will pick it up so strap on your helmet!
Week #4 Con't
Team # 14b (.03)
Team # 6b (.11)
Team # 4b (.06)
Team # 19a.13)
Team # 8a(.15)
See email being sent in 15 minutes...
Picks... continuations and strategy in 30 minutes...

week #4 con't

We have 3 continuations today...  I am running the filters on the 6 new series starting tonight shortly...they should be posted at the regular time with any additions...

Note we have a major pitching change and that is discussed in email sent this morning)...

...I will get back to everyone on that as it still may be worth a shot...but it is a major change!

Monday, September 10, 2012

week #4 fall sos

Week #4 code list #2/no change

Team # 14  (.03)
Team # 6    (.11)
Team # 7    (.13)
Team # 4    (.06)

I may add a series or two but wanted to get these up...if any series are added they will be appx 1-2 hours before the earliest starts tonight.  But all these are up at least 4 hours early today...

week #4 fall SOS

Picks will be up 3 hours before the earliest starts...all new series are night games.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

split again...

Split again today but I think I put up enough red flags over the week end on the Pirates...they might be out of gas...  I think Soriano would have been a nice fit...

So a slight down week and we move on... see email being sent shortly... I have not started to review the next group of series..because I do not want to accidently see the football scores...I taped the games and I am about to start viewing...

Fall SOS week #1 Record 35-2
Summer SOS 157-10 +16.32 units at base/final

Split on 4 Saturday series

Split on the day and a very small down day ratio wise...see todays email. 

Saturday Results
Team #2 (.15)con't Sunday
Team #29 (.15) won series over
Team #4 (.08) con't Sunday
Team # 24 (.07) won series over

Saturday, September 8, 2012

team #23 as a slight dog picks up a win...and we have 4 continuations... see email coming this morning...

Team #2 (.15)
Team #29 (.15)
Team #4 (.08)
Team # 24 (.07)

Friday, September 7, 2012

Week end picks

code list #2

Team #7   (.15)* see email/tracking only

Team #2   (.15)
Team #29  (.15)
Team #4  (.08)
Team #23 (.08)
Team # 24 (.07)

Guys good chance of a rainout in one of the "A" games tonight...if that happens we follow the rules and have a cancellation...but lets not play weatherman lets wait and see...

Email is coming please read before any decisions are made on the series...we have one interesting twist in one system pick...will be sent within 10 minutes of this post...

No time for calculation of the new star ratings...but some notes and very good strategy advice .

Fall SOS week end series

Picks will be posted within an hour..or 3 hours before the earliest start times... I am done with the filtering and working on the notes for email...

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Day off!

With the plays clearing yesterday and only one new series from the group startingtoday that did not clear...the system has a day off.

Tomorrow 14 series start and the series that clear will be posted at the regular time.

We will have a new code list going into the week end...if you do not receive it contact me.
One new series starts tonight will filter it later today and post either a selection or note the series did not clear at regular time...nice night last night 2-0...see results one post down.

Email sent with fall SOS year in review...and we move to the week end series...

Fall SOS week #1 Record 30-1 +1.04 low base ratio/units
Summer SOS 157-10 +16.32 units at base/final

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

2-0 there we go...a nice little run going since last Saturday!

team 24a won series over
team 30c won series over

2-0...we jump back up on the week moving to the week end series..September is tough...but the system is ready for a challenge!  And we add to the profits for the month...

Lets move to the week end series...11-4 last 15...straight up...

Fall SOS week #1 Record 30-1 +1.04 low base ratio/units
Summer SOS 157-10 +16.32 units at base/final

You can put it on the board yes!

team #24a .10/.05 won series over

Nice start to the day...that slam in the first was a beautiful thing!

Lets see if we can top it off tonight... 

CHICAGO, IL - SEPTEMBER 05: Alex Rios #51 of the Chicago White Sox hits a grand slam home run in the 1st inning against the Minnesota Twins at U.S. Cellular Field on September 5, 2012 in Chicago, Illinois.
we also have the continuation later tonight...
Team #30 (.14) final game of series... .13/07 or .14/.07 range...

Extra game/series...

I am adding a game for today... if it does not win we will tact it into a 4 game series this week end..This is something I have been working on and lets see how it goes...
It will be played as an "A"...

our first jump in series this fall...

Starts in 2 not skip this one!

the play is:
team #24a .10/.05 ratio wise...

we also have the continuation later tonight...
Team #30 (.14) final game of series... .13/07 or .14/.07 range...

guys the odds move all day...but should for our ratio records remain in this range...
I do see the better range now .13/.07...and the overnight example is what i am either seeing or figuring at that time...but thanks for the note sent on the lower odds...

This  added play will go in the system record...

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Wednesday 9/4/12

Team #30 (.14) final game of series... .14/.07

Email update sent...everyone glad I stepped in and changed hand is up...

read email about the below...

Tuesday 9/4

see emails sent...Mondays results one post down...

Team #2 (.13)SSS
Team #30 (.14) .10/.05 reduction through group theory everyone...
avoid any problems this way..
Fall SOS week #1 Record 28-1 +1.02 low base ratio
Summer SOS 157-10 +16.32 units at base/final

Monday, September 3, 2012

Great start to the week 5-2 on the plus side!

Los Angeles Dodgers' Andre Ethier, top, hits a solo home run as San Diego Padres relief pitcher Luke Gregerson watches during the ninth inning of their baseball game, Monday, Sept. 3, 2012, in Los Angeles. (AP Photo/Mark J. Terrill)
Say hello to my little friend! We get the tie in the 9th...

Los Angeles Dodgers' Andre Ethier, top, hits a solo home run as San Diego Padres relief pitcher Luke Gregerson watches during the ninth inning of their baseball game, Monday, Sept. 3, 2012, in Los Angeles.

Los Angeles Dodgers' A.J. Ellis, left, is grabbed by Clayton Kershaw after hitting an RBI single in the 11th inning to defeat the San Diego Padres 4-3 intheir baseball game, Monday, Sept. 3, 2012, in Los Angeles. (AP Photo/Mark J. Terrill)
And the walk off win in the 11th...
Los Angeles Dodgers' A.J. Ellis, left, is grabbed by Clayton Kershaw after hitting an RBI single in the 11th inning to defeat the San Diego Padres 4-3 intheir baseball game, Monday, Sept. 3, 2012, in Los Angeles.

Two walk off winners!!!  And we ride the Dodgers again...this time AJ Ellis gets it done in the 11th...

5-2 straight up and add another 3 star winner!!!  Very good way to start the week...9-3 straight up last 12...with 3 out of 3 on the 3 star picks boys...nice bounce...

I am sending strategy out on tomorrows games please read....

Team #7 (.16) 3 star won series over (another 3 star winner boys!)
Team #23 (.05)1 star won series over
Team #2 (.13)1 star moves to b
Team #15 (.09)2 star won series over
Team #8 (.10)1 star won series over
Team #30 (.14) 2 star moves to b
Team #6 (.09) 1 star won series over

Fall SOS week #1 Record 28-1
Summer SOS 157-10 +16.32 units at base/final

Week #3 Fall SOS

We are using fall code list start in about 5 hours as I am posting early due to the holiday and the early starts...

Team #7 (.16) 3 star
Team #23 (.05)1 star
Team #2 (.13)1 star
Team #15 (.09)2 star
Team #8 (.10)1 star
Team #30 (.14) 2 star
Team #6 (.09) 1 star

Good luck today no notes at this time star rating next to team add for 3 star...if i get a chance later i will add the notes....
Fall SOS week #1 Record 23-1
Summer SOS 157-10 +16.32 units at base/final

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Fall code list #2

Fall code list #2 has been sent ...if you did not receive it contact me ASAP/as soon as possible...

erase code list #1...we will not use it again...

I am going to try to do a little piece on the NFL weekly...lets see how everyone likes it...I do not have a system for the NFL besides my capping and with nfl I am only so so...but basketball and the nhl (hopefully if no strike are all most here)...

Lets try to continue building on the summer and fall SOS profits...

Fall SOS week #1 Record 23-1
Summer SOS 157-10 +16.32 units at base/final

Week #3 SOS begins...

First this week guys make sure you are checking the start times...  Monday is a holiday and from first glance it looks like we have all 15 series starting on Monday! Most of the series are going to be an early start...

That is fine...and it will be quite a bit of extra work...but I will get it done...

So two weeks into fall SOS after a very successful summer and the series wins are there...but the  plus ratio is up down week with the up week being slightly more thanks to a very strong finish to the week end...we get the very big bounce and move on...

Quick email today to make everyone aware of the early starts...I have a few of you that still have not this point you have been moved to the pending update one is removed anymore...but until you update you will not receive the code list or emails...

Thanks for the great emails this morning...I appreciate it...we had a few tough days last week and we were able to dig our way almost out of it...plenty of baseball left...and the fall SOS is up at a small ratios and the 3 star picks have been dead on...

Picks will be up early I am starting the filtering tonight before the end of the espn game tonight (Sox/Tigers)...


Big day finally! 4-1 Week Over...

A very big Saturday as the system goes 4-1 with a +3 unit day at the base!!!!

Team #4 won series over
Team #7 won series over
Team #22 SSS we are done with this
Team #15 won series over
Team #19 won series over

Everything went our way the early game it was the Rays throwing out the Jays base runner in the 9th when they had a shot to tie today....yesterday we had our guy thrown out in the 9th...

And than this...the key game of the night either leaving us uo 3 units or barely up at .07
and we get the big win!

Lets go SSS on the braves...see email shortly we are done for the plays Sunday. We needed a big day and the system breaks a short losing streak the fall SOS turns back positive and we got exactly what we needed...great job by the Dodgers in the late game!!!!

New series on Monday early starts so check times....

The Dodgers get all of their offense from Andre Ethier and Hanley Ramirez, who each provide solo shots. (AP)

The Dodgers get all of their offense from Andre Ethier and Hanley Ramirez, who each provide solo shots.(AP)

Fall SOS 23-1

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Up day Saturday...but BIG game pending tonight...

We start the day 3-1 on several must win games...and our biggest game of the night will start in a few minutes...lets hope it goes our will cause a swing in the fall SOS totals...but I really like how the system has responded the last two days during the 2-3 day losing streak...depending how you handled the series and the 3 star advice...

Week update sent with one game will be a down week ratio wise...but a win would put the fall SOS back positive for the year...we closed out the summer up over 16 units at base...

Everything for the week is updated up to the pending game tonight...will send an early email tomorrow as tonight will be the difference of a good day or a great day...

These nights are always fun either way...the to win series ratios sure add volatility to the week...
Check start times....
Team #4
Team #7
Team #22
Team #15
Team #19
Last night the system went 4-4...not good enough with the odds we were facing...the two 3 star rated plays won so that was a plus...but otherwise a very mixed day...I will be on all the series listed.

So we have several continuations today...4 of the 8...lets see if we get that needed bounce if yu are playing any of the remaining series.

If your initials are MJ...please email me and I will get back to you tonight...same problem as before where I send the email to everyone and your service is giving an error message...

All plays remain to win .05 series wise for the ratio as we have two four game series in play and we continue to try to win .05 for the series not the game on all the system plays...
Email update sent GL everyone today...

Fall SOS 19-1