This will be my sports blog and will allow me a chance to talk sports and make predictions for games involving systems that I work on. The blog is for entertainment only and should never be used in any way that could be considered illegal or to violate any law.
So lets see how I do and hopefully this will be an entertaining blog which allows you to root for your favorite teams. I will start with a hockey system, possibly a basketball system and in the spring my baseball system which as many of you know is highly successful.
You can respond but anything outside the scope of what is mentioned will not be answered. If you have any questions you can e-mail me. To avoid all the problems of spam and unwanted posts I will review all posts before they are allowed on the blog, what a great feature! So if you do not immediately see your post that is because all posts are reviewed first to avoid the clutter we had at a large sports forum before.
Lets have some fun and lively debate is always welcome, sports is my passion and I enjoy talking about it but for the blogs sake lets stay within reason. Remember I can also be reached on Twitter or G-mail thank you for your support at the old forum for the last three years and over 400,000 views there in total.