Tuesday, March 31, 2015

New member note

You should be added to the regular email list and be receiving the emails daily...

We are ready to go... and the picks for the services are only by email.. my picks will #1 be in code here.. and sometimes in email but my picks #1 coded here...

Everyone should have the files...MLB 2015 Guide and Code List #1

Anyone left thinking about joining contact me asap...

Monday, March 30, 2015

1-0 Sunday.. very nice run everyone... update for 3/30 sent check email..
Service plays results..
1-1 Sat.
1-0 Sun.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Ready to go!!!

No plays Thursday night.. but as most of you can tell I am working away!

By Saturday everyone should have all the files and the 2015 MLB guide!

So let's get ready to rumble!

I want to take a second and thank the great response I have had for membership for this year... so thanks everyone... looking forward to the challenge and hopefully some of the new members stay with for several years as many of you have...

I expect a few more to trickle in as the season approaches.. like "spring fever"//if you are in that boat do not worry just contact me before joining and I will get all the files and guide ready to send to you....

So everyone take this weekend read the guide and files and fire away in email with the questions...

We are all set!

Thursday, March 26, 2015


Incredible run and oddly enough over the last two weeks while I have been accepting new members.. hey guys it will not remain this easy.. several of you just happened to join at the exact right time!  So congrats on that.. but remember this is long term based and you will also see a few slumps...

Not sure we have anything tonight watch for the emails..  Everyone should have all the information needed by the weekend and that is when I will answer questions in email...

Great job everyone!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Member note/files

All current members should now have files 1-6 for MLB 2015...

Please save to file... if you misplaced any of the files please drop me an email...


The services continue an impressive run.. I will be sending file #5 for MLB 2015 tonight...

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Monday, March 23, 2015

New member notice

attention  new members PLEASE if you  contact me under one email and join for the picks under another... you must let me know!!  Email me
I have no way to know who you are!

Sunday, March 22, 2015


1-1 for the service plays...

All members should have the first 4 files for MLB..

Thursday, March 19, 2015

3-0/Note on baseball files

Ok since we have opened the door to new members the picks have gone 4-0!  Lets remember it is not always this easy and I would expect a bump very soon... service plays continue in email...

Please read the emails... patience with the baseball I need to get new members up to date on the files for baseball... and I would expect a slightly revised guide for this year within a week...

ALL members new and ongoing should now have the first 3 files for baseball.. I want everyone to focus on #3... and if you like to cap games yourself #2.. file #1 is more for reference... several more files on the way in the next week along with a revised guide for 2015.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


1-0 with the service plays..

Just a few quick notes....

I have several new members joining during my 2 week quiet period.. the service plays filling the gap in between are only in email to avoid any confusion with my plays... regular members know this already...

New members or members requesting membership,  you will receive several files and I am leaning toward a guide for 2015 again due to the amount of new members... allow a few days for that.

Once joining you are at first added to the regular email list and immediately start receiving the services in email.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Here is that link and I am getting lots of questions... for those that decide to join PLEASE do not wait till 3 days before the season starts and expect me to just say ok... a little more to it than that... knowledge is king... and what I do is extremely safe and very low volatility...
Note to contact me it is gs.picks1@gmail for those who saw the sbr post by one of our members and it seems to have drawn some interest.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

End of NHL

Nice to finish on a run... 4-1 straight up last two weeks as we finish another PLUS year in the NHL...

I now switch my time to getting the MLB 2015 files out...

Congratulations everyone on another successful NHL season and I will send the complete walk through on the NHL tomorrow...

During the quiet period... (2 weeks) I will continue to send select services and of course the baseball information for MLB 2015...

No series losses in the NHL this year... a few sss situations for control and the lab also finished with a winning record...

Tuesday, March 10, 2015


series 29a won

1-0 on the night..2-0 on the week...4-1 last five as we have a nice little run going...
team #20 29a

see email


Good job everyone as we get a very easy winner..

Monday, March 9, 2015

team #23 series 28b

small guys see email poor odds...

Sunday, March 8, 2015

No plays Sunday

Working on files for MLB 2015...


2-1 on the week with a small up week as we finishwith our smallest play and it goes 0-1.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

team #27 series #28 A

But see email we have to play off the profit for the week and play small...

Friday, March 6, 2015

System passes tonight due to 3 of the 6 games having odds over -200 and one as high as -320... high odds filter in play here... insane odds on all 3 of the games mentioned...

Thursday, March 5, 2015


Great win win a -120 team in OT everyone on Wednesday!

Passing on Thursday...

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Team #23 for a lab pick see email...toss up game odds wise...

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

No plays Tuesday after a nice easy stress free (C) winner yesterday...


blow out winner as the 3 cross System remains undefeated series wise...
series 26 C WON

Monday, March 2, 2015

Sunday, March 1, 2015

2-2 on the night... we have a small down week...