Thursday, December 1, 2011


12/1Subsystem play this series does count, we have been using the subsystem as mentioned in e-mail
Series #24/A Team # 6

12/2 FridaySeries #22 "B" Team#25

TOMORROW (change of team for this series so check code)
New codes have been sent for rest of week, just match up very easy.  We may have more games for tomorrow than the series 22/B listed so check blog then.
So one play today Series #24, one series up to now for tomorrow series #22/B continuation.  I will add trend plays also once in a while but lets wait on those for now, will be a nice e-mail feature.
I did add a few new members,  welcome to the e-mail list.  Those that just thought they would grab the picks from either the e-mail list or here and not participate sorry, you received a ton of wins from this blog all documented in the below posts without participating,  you must be on the e-mail list from now on.  Someone asked why in the comment area, a few members thought they could take advantage of the rest and alsohurt those that were just taking the picks off the blog to.

New members if you did not receive an e-mail back with the strategy guide let me know, send another e-mail.  If you have been following along silently even though you have been invited to sign up, now is the time as I opened up a few spots by removing some who failed to participate, you may have to wait though now. 

1 comment:

  1. reener this is now a members only blog. You need to be added to the e-mail list(it is free), all the plays up until this week have been posted for everyone to take advantage of, as I am sure you did. It was an incredible run was it not? Time to step up and get on e-mail list now, hope you enjoyed the free ride.
