Friday, February 24, 2012


Seeing the system series have ended for hockey, if there are any filtered signals when I am checking just for statistical purposes I will e-mail out, if nothing is e-mailed instead of saying no plays just about everyday here I will now just be posting baseball notes within this thread. So as mentioned earlier in the week hockey is over if anything stands out I will e-mail, but leaning more toward just switching my focus to baseball and finishing the guide this weekend.

That will allow a nice long period of (Q/A)question and answer period for anyone who has any questions.  But please let me get the guide out.  Welcome new members and thank you for joining up.

Expect the guide Sunday or Monday please anyone with questions once you receive it ask, I will have a whole month to answer now that the system has ended for the hockey season.  E-mail questions and I will respond within 24 hours, if changes are needed will revise, if something small will just send add ons.

Will send out a brief e-mail.

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