Monday, April 30, 2012

Group #8 Begins

                                                                                                                                            MLB post #47

Monday starting series,  note will be emailed for strategy within half an hour of this post. There is just one series starting for us tonight.
Group #8
Series  #25 Team #17   ---- strength rating for series>> .16 (please do not confuse wth team #...)

I want to show another strategy for this series as it is going to start with as a very tough low Fave series.  Remember I have gone through email strategy for 4 weeks and as you saw last week the system is built to handle anything and come back.  This will be a very tough one but read the email...
There will most likely be a series or two added tomorrow as we will have 1 series starting today and there will be from 1-6 picks added to group #8 tomorrow, expect those picks to be up early in the morning.

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