Tuesday, November 1, 2011

11/1 Update

As we talked about in the e-mail this afternoon when the system picks two big name teams we can expect splits.  So we move to a B even though Detroit led the whole game until the last minute losing in OT.  Lets not complain we have had the puck bounce our way all year up to now.  So we add the Boston win and move on.

Not sure about tomorrow yet, but we will have two games on Thursday.  As the series pick up we will start having quite a rotation of A, B and C games.  Hopefully everyone followed the
e-mail advice and reduced.    

(ML plays)

Boston Series #10 A Won series over
Detroit Series #11 A moves to B

We will have two games on Thursday, I need to wait till all the games are over tonight to see if anything qualifies for tomorrow. 

System record 9-0 (2 series pending on 11/3 please check blog on Thursday to make sure the plays are what you expect.  these two should run by team without change but check day of game).

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