Sunday, November 13, 2011


No plays today only a few games. I have decided to try to work the new system which is 1-0 in as a subsystem.  The total series record will remain as one, if the sub system does not do well it will be dropped but any losses series wise will remain part of the record.  I have seen systems where others by changing the system drop that system or modify to claim a better record.  We should not need to do that, follow the system strategy guide that was e-mailed to everyone and you will be fine.

If you are not on the e-mail list I removed a few people and can again add a few.  If you were getting the e-mail strategy and updates and have been removed that is due to not responding to the review i asked everyone to answer. 

Have a good Sunday, back later tonight with an e-mail to discuss strategy with the new system being added.

System record 14-0

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