Thursday, November 17, 2011

11/17 No picks sending out an e-mail

Updated two very weak signals tonight so it is a pass for the system, almost but not quite.  So we move forward.  Maybe play the Thursday night football game -Sanchez/jets versus Tebow/broncos  and guess which one will stink less!

Sending out the last version of how to play game by game for these series.  Please read I had one person say that had never received the strategy guide so it was sent out.  What I am sending today walks you through a week of plays based on the 1-4 series a week I mentioned we will have and is different.

E-mail (long as usual) on strategy.  Which obviously up to now due to winning no one has had to follow the strategy guide to closely.  Also if you do not receive the e-mail and were on the list I have removed you.  Unfortunately those who have not responded or let me know they have a pulse were removed.  Also those not following the hockey were removed, getting back on for baseball for anyone removed will get the first chance. 

So I have a few more spots for some on the e-mail again this week. 

We have had 3 plays for the week, the system won all 3 immediately and as I said we should expect 1-4 series a week.  This is a controlled system and I will open and close filters just as quickly to protect each week.  We may have another series starting before the end of the week, but i need everyone to read the e-mail I send out on strategy later today.  We continue to use the strategy guide as our roadmap and if you follow the e-mails about twice a week everything works out in the end trust me.

Check for the e-mail sending now.

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